The Final Week…Or So We Thought

Having missed my first scan at 38 weeks I was adamant I would not miss the final (or so we hoped) scan. Clearly somebody thought otherwise and as I neared the hospital helicopters filled the air and traffic slowed – clearly there was a major accident.
Thankfully it turned out to be on the other side of the freeway and soon I was at the hospital. It was then that I realised that Sharon was coming from that side. I gave her a quick call and she confirmed she was stuck in traffic just a few kilometers away.
The battle began between whether I needed to leave to get back to work, how long she would take, and whether other patients would arrive. I stood my ground and an hour later she stumbled into the doctors rooms looking a little shattered.
The appointment began with the usual scan which amazingly revealed that our little girl already has a mop of hair. Let’s hope its her mom’s hair and not her dad’s fro! Still, it never ceases to amaze me just what you can see on that little black and white screen.
Sharon then needed to undergo an internal exam which revealed that she was not yet dilated at all. Apparently at 39 weeks you should already be a centimeter or two. Although this isn’t bad news it certainly wasn’t the news Sharon wanted to hear.
In essence it means that baby will probably be late and that she’ll be pregnant and uncomfortable for yet another week. Our next appointment has been booked. Let’s hope we don’t get there.