Post Rugby Fresh Air…AKA Fishing

After a night out at the rugby (and a few too many beers) I decided that a quick trip down to the beach was in order. I was in desperate need of fresh air as well as a little exercise, and a flicking a fly into the surf checked all the right boxes.
Checking the tides indicated a roughly mid-day low so I threw my kit into the car and headed for the beach.
There was a fair amount of wind around but not enough to deter me. The beach was crowded and it was great to see an abundance of surfers, children, people running on the boardwalk, others building sand castles and more generally having fun.
I opted for my usual deadly orange pattern and walked across the sand and waded into the water. The tide was lower than expected and I had to wade quite far in to reach slightly deeper water. The good news is that there were lots of new little holes and I began prospecting the ones other fisherman had no beaten me to.
Soon I was rewarded with a small largespot pompano. Another two followed in the hour that I fished before I decided to call it a day, feeling content, and headed home.
The local beaches are always worth a visit, even if it’s just for an hour. Never forget that.