Christmas Dinner

Sharon and I both worked up to Christmas in order to preserve some leave for when the holiday madness was over. As a result the holidays started for us after work on the 24th of December. We both finished at lunch time and Sharon headed to the shops to do our Tala shopping. This turned out to be a kak idea as she ended up queuing from mid way down one of the isles. I was therefore forced to also head to the shops to pick up our booze and by some stroke of luck I elected to go to Tops in Hillcrest. I got to the till and as they rang up my Bavaria I noticed it was only R19 per 6 pack! I’m now the proud owner of a pile of Bavaria.
We opted to have our Christmas dinner that evening due to the limited facilities we’d have available to us at Tala, where we were going the next day. This proved to be a good move since the kitchen facilities at the A frames were Z class (One small, gas powered hot plate and several spider webs).
Since Sharon knew I loved my Christmas turkey she spoiled me by bringing home a turkey breast from Woolworths (there’s no way we were eating a whole turkey). This turned into an epic fail as we realised it was not actually a turkey breast but rather turkey polony. How can Woolworths charge R80 for a small turkey polony? It’s no wonder I hate that shop. I could’ve gone and bought the same volume of chicken polony from Spar for R9.99 and it would’ve tasted better. Spar for the win!
None the less we munched down on “turkey”, roast vegetables and roast potatoes for our Christmas dinner. This was of course accompanied by table gifts (to get in the mood), crackers, frozen champagne and Crème Caramel. Being the mature adults we are we treated ourselves to kiddies crackers and as a result got useful gifts like vampire fangs and jewelry. The rest of the evening was spent in front of the TV playing our new Xbox games.