Casino Beach Bashing

If you ever studied science you’ll know about potential energy. Well that’s exactly what public holidays are…potential energy. All that needs to be done to them is to convert them into kinetic energy, which is exactly what Nick, Hayden and I did when we headed for the beach to do some salt water fly fishing.
We arrived at around 6am and got straight to it, fishing the holes and shallows for largespot pompano. The structure of the beach had changed somewhat from the hurricane but the main holes were still there. Clearly it was my turn to dominate as I managed to land 5 pompano on my magical orange fly. Nick and Hayden on the other hand toiled for a couple of hours and sadly both blanked in the end.
In fact, at one point I looked down the beach and saw Nick standing half way up the beach casting onto the sand. I guess that could explain why he didn’t catch.
Fishing was of course followed by the mandatory R20 breakfast at Wimpy before calling it a day and heading home. It was 10am and the rest of the world was only just getting out of bed.